Status: Working Draft, v1.2, $$Revision: March 8, 2017 $$brent.shambaugh AT GMAIL dot COM | Previous Version | Home

Enterprise Information System for Peer Production (EISPP) Animations.

This is a product of the distributed.economy blog, the P2P Enterprise Platform writing, the MNDF Project, and to an extent the Raptorlicious Blog.

EP files are for use with the wireframing software Evolus Pencil. PDF files are exports of EP files from Pencil, and are accessible with Adobe(R) Reader(R). PNG files are raster images made from the PDF files. WebM files include narrated animations made using the PNG files. Transcripts are texts of the narrations.

The narrated animations, or wireframe videos, are also available on YouTube:

A forum is available for commenting on Google Groups.

Why do this anyway? Revisting the P2P Enterprise Platform writing yeilds:


"We need a system that encourages learning and creates business and research opportunities through self-organization. The traditional model is failing us. We must go beyond the traditional model and personalize education, business, and research with self-organization, so that individuals can contribute their own ideas and work together toward common goals."


"A peer-to-peer economy is proposed to encourage entreprenuership and learning through self-organization. The necessary components, with background research for future development, are predicted. While not all the components may be used, it is expected that at some point a peer-to-peer economic platform will be developed for use on a variety of internet enabled devices."


"Ideally, the peer-to-peer economic platform will allow for the creation of virtual teams / "companies" that will be connected to other virtual teams by means of their value networks. Potentially the system that evolves with the platform could also be an improvement or even replacement of existing means to manage intellectual property. Instead of hoarding and protecting intellectual property with patents, sharing through interconnected value networks may become the norm. Such sharing could be advantageous since the potential interconnectedness could allow value networks producing products to make themselves available to a wider audience than they could reasonably attain by themselves. Renumeration could be obtained by other value networks channelling profits to other connected value networks or through each value network selling their own finished product and keeping all profits to themselves."

Tinkering/Alternate Entry Point to NLP/Feeder Data:

Integrated Space Plan to Linked Data:


ch_1_1_intro (Introduction)
ch1_1_nlq (Natural Language Query)

   :seeAlso {Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval: an ontology-based approach}
                 ( ;

   :utilizes {PowerAqua} ( [Language: Java] .

   {PowerAqua} :describedby Thesis ( .

   {PowerAqua} :describedby Whitepaper ( ) .

   {PowerAqua} :utilizes {Watson} (

   {Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval..} utilizes {WebCore} ( .

   {Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval..} utilizes {Core} ( .

"...the query processing module PowerAqua makes use of the SW storage and accessing structures, but does not exploit the ontology evaluation measures and algorithms provided by our SW gateway. The lack of such measures and evaluations is justified when attempting to exploit them within a Web scale retrieval environment." ({Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval..} pg. 178)

ch1_2_OB (Ontology Browsing)

   :seeAlso {An Intelligent Query Interface Based on Ontology Navigation} ( .

ch_1_2_sparql (SPARQL Query)
ch1_nlq_fgss (Fresnel GSS)
ch_1_2_edit_triples (Edit Triples)

   :seeAlso {A Widget Library for Creating Policy-Aware Semantic Web Applications} :
                 ( [Langauge: JavaScript] .

ch_1_2_OPM (OPM)
ch_1_2_Ripple (Ripple Transaction)
ch_1_2_NLP (NLP Edit)
ch_1_2_2nd_file (How to add a second file)
ch_1_2_Applications (Applications)

   :seeAlso {Data ownership and interoperability for a decentralized social semantic web} :
                 ( ;
   :child {SOLiD} : ( [Language: JavaScript et al.] .

ch_1_2_Botqueue_IOT (Botqueue IOT)
ch_1_2_VRM (VRM)

   :seeAlso {Data ownership and interoperability for a decentralized social semantic web} :
                 ( .

ch_1_2_edit_OPM (Edit OPM)
ch_1_2_P2PArch (HP Computing)
ch_1_2_GSS_URI_SPARQL (SPARQL expansion for URI)
ch_1_2_Facet (Faceted Browsing like S.I.M.I.L.E Longwell)

   :seeAlso {SIMILE Longwell} ( [Language Java, JavaScript] .

ch_1_2_ldbrowser (linked data browser like Fenfire)

   :seeAlso {Fenfire} ( [Language: Haskell],
                 {LodLive} ( [Language: JavaScript],
                 {RDF Gravity} ( [Language: Java] .

ch_1_2_Preferences (Preferences)
ch_1_2_conclusion (Conclusion)

Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
1 ch_1_1_intro (Introduction) X X
1 eispp_introa_edit X
2 eispp_introab_edit X
3 eispp_introabc_edit X
4 eispp_introabcg_edit X
5 eispp_introabcgv_edit X
6 eispp_intro_edit X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
7 ch1_1_nlq (Natural Language Query) X X
8 EISPP_3p X X X
9 EISPP_3p2e X X X
10 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2 X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
11 ch1_2_OB (Ontology Browsing) X X
12 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB X X X
13 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_b4subs X X X
14 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs2 X X X
15 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs3 X X X
16 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs4 X X X
17 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs5 X X X
18 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs6 X X X
19 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs6_and_one_half X X X
20 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs7 X X X
21 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs8_back6 X X X
22 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_delete X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
23 ch_1_2_sparql (SPARQL Query) X X
24 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4 X X X
25 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_2 X X X
25 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_3 X X X
26 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_4 X X X
27 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_5 X X X
28 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_6 X X X
29 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_7 X X X
30 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_8 X X X
31 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_9 X X X
32 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_10 X X X
33 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLex2r4 X X X
34 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLex2r4b X X X
35 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2 X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
36 ch1_nlq_fgss (Fresnel GSS) X X
37 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2 X X X
38 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel X X X
39 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS X X X
40 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_nolist_fresnel_GSS X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
41 ch_1_2_edit_triples (Edit Triples) X X
42 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode2eadd X X X
43 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode3eadd X X X
44 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode4eadd X X X
45 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode5eadd X X X
46 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode6eaddb4 X X X
47 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode6eadd X X X
48 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode7eadd X X X
49 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode8eadd X X X
50 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode8eadde X X X
51 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2 X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
52 ch_1_2_OPM (OPM) X X
53 EISPP_OPM3eb4 X X X
55 EISPP_OPM3_fresnele X X X
56 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gsse X X X
57 EISPP_OPM_fresnel_gss_rawbasee X X X
58 EISPP_OPM_fresnel_gss_rawbase_2contbe X X X
59 EISPP_OPM_fresnel_gss_rawbase_reafulle X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
60 ch_1_2_Ripple (Ripple Transaction) X X
61 list_ripplee X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
62 ch_1_2_NLP (NLP Edit) X X
63 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLPb4 X X X
64 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP X X X
65 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP2 X X X
66 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP3 X X X
67 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP4 X X X
68 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP5 X X X
69 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP6 X X X
70 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP7 X X X
71 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8 X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
72 ch_1_2_2nd_file (How to add a second file) X X
73 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile X X X
74 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile2 X X X
75 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile3 X X X
76 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile4 X X X
77 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile5 X X X
78 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile6 X X X
79 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile7 X X X
80 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile8 X X X
81 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile9 X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
82 ch_1_2_Applications (Applications) X X
83 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications X X X
84 car_part_freecad X
85 car_part_freecadb4 X
86 ref_library X
87 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba X X X
88 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba1_5 X X X
89 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba2 X X X
90 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba3 X X X
91 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba3_5 X X X
92 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba4 X X X
93 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba5 X X X
94 cimba X
95 rwwio X
96 rwwiop1 X
97 rwwioup X
98 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_ether X X X
99 etherpad X
100 etherpadb4 X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
101 ch_1_2_Botqueue_IOT (Botqueue IOT) X X
102 EISPP_3p2_Botqueue X X X
103 EISPP_3p2_Botqueue2 X X X
104 EISPP_3p2_Botqueue3 X X X
105 EISPP_3p2_IOT X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
106 ch_1_2_VRM (VRM) X X
107 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm X X X
108 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2bookmark X X X
109 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm3bookmark X X X
110 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm4bookmark X X X
111 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm5bookmark X X X
112 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2federate X X X
113 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2federate2 X X X
114 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2federate2_2 X X X
115 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2federate3 X X X
116 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2federate4 X X X
117 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2loadbadge X X X
118 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2loadprofilegroups X X X
119 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2loadprofilegroups2 X X X
120 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2accesscontrol X X X
121 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2transact X X X
122 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2transact2 X X X
123 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2transact3 X X X
124 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2powder X X X
125 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2powder2 X X X
126 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2powder3 X X X
127 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2powder4 X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
128 ch_1_2_edit_OPM (Edit OPM) X X
129 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_OPM X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
130 ch_1_2_P2PArch (HP Computing) X X
131 EISPP_3p2_P2PArch X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
132 ch_1_2_GSS_URI_SPARQL (SPARQL expansion for URI) X X
133 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSSuriSPARQL X X X
134 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSSuriSPARQL2 X X X
135 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSSuriSPARQL3 X X X
136 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSSuriSPARQL4 X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
137 ch_1_2_Facet (Faceted Browsing like S.I.M.I.L.E Longwell) X X
138 EISPP_3p2_facet X X X
139 EISPP_3p2_facet2 X X X
140 EISPP_3p2_facet3 X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
141 ch_1_2_ldbrowser (linked data browser like Fenfire) X X
142 EISPP_3p2_ldbrowserb4 X X X
143 EISPP_3p2_ldbrowser X X X
144 EISPP_3p2_ldbrowser2 X X X
145 EISPP_3p2_ldbrowser3 X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
146 ch_1_2_Preferences (Preferences) X X
147 EISPP_3p2_Preferences X X X
Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
148 ch_1_2_conclusion (Conclusion) X X
149 corp_to_stig X
150 distributed_payment X
151 distributed_payment_2 X
152 distributed_payment_3 X
153 distributed_payment_4 X
154 figure1 X
155 figure2 X
156 figure3 X
157 licenses X
158 licenses_cc_1 X
159 licenses_cc_2 X
160 licenses_cc_3 X
161 licenses_cc_4 X
162 licenses_other X
163 licenses_icons X

Minor changes:
Color change to slides 66 - 71, 73 - 81 which affects the WebM rendering on lines 62 and 72. Added a link to the Google Groups.

December 5th, 2016: Added Thumbnail Images.

Thank you to:
Melvin Carvalho, Kingsley Idehen, Manu Sporny, Timothy Holborn, Jason Stone, Elf Palvik, Markus Sabadello, Owen Amber, Michel Bauwens, Gannon Dick, Samuel Rose, John Wilbanks, Greg S., Tyler Barton, Micah Alcorn, Jacob Johnson, Jaywalker, Cassady Dixon, Jack Senechal, Paul Trevithick, Justin Briggs, Rory Ford, Sean Satterlee, Amanda Harlin, Kendall Werts, Rhett Greenhagen, Lawrence Kincheloe, Toby Inkster, David Wood, Tiberius Brastaviceanu, Dan Weaver, Josh Cowan, Waylon Flinn, Carrie Olson, Beau Schwabe, Doc Searls, Cody Burleson, Raymond Topping, Dov Dori, and countless others that I have not mentioned for your positive encouragement, or assistance with this project whether you directly knew it or not.