s1) (EISPP_3p2_edit_NLPb4) This section proposes how to take a directed graph, such as a mindmap, that is retrieved from somewhere or created in EISPP and transferring it into data that is expressed in terms of ontologies so that it can be merged with other data on the web as linked open data (or linked data if it is restricted to some parties). It seems appropriate due to two opinions: 1) Hearing from Greg Wilson from Software Carpentry say that we do not think in a structured form when describing a mind map exercise. 2) Throuh a conversation with Jason Stone, a computer science friend. To begin, we first click the Load Data button to load ./brent_shambaugh_description.rdf from our local machine or potentially any file anywhere on the network. s2) (EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP) Now you see a directed graph. s3) (EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP2) Clicking the NLP/* button on the Edit Triples panel brings up a menu. You can see that the Orient By nodes check box is selected. s4) (EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP3) Clicking start causes all nodes to be matched with ontologies with potentially multiple candidates for ontologies. Here, each matching ontology and node is color coded with only one matching ontology per node. s5) (EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP4) Clicking on the ontology name in the right panel shows the classes and properties for the ontology. Selecting "Apply All Node Ontologies" from the menu that appears when clicking applies the matching ontology for each node. s6) (EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP5), (EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP6) I can do the same thing for the Edges by first running NLP/* with the Edges CheckBox and then applying select properties from the ontologies. Here I select the hasPart property from the partOf_ontology and choose "Apply Property for All Edges". s7) (EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP7), (EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8) I may choose to select a few of the edges and apply a different property to them, say the partOf property.