s1) (EISPP_OPM3eb4) When I select OPM in the views panel I get the triple data viewed with Dov Dori's Object Process-Methodology. At least, it looks like the directed graph I got when performing the natural language query with a few differences. The Car_partOf:partOf predicate is replaced with a shared triangle representing an Aggregation-Participation Structural Link. All rdf:type relations are replaced by a triangle with a shaded circle in the center representing a Classification-Instantiation Structural Relation. The wheel_of_car subject node graphic is replaced by a box with a Δ1 and Δ2, meaning that it is an object that changes state. This state changes because e.org/contribute_1 is considered a process in OPM. The rea:outflow predicate is replaced by two arrows showing the contribute changes the state from Δ1 to Δ2. The prov:startedAtTime and prov:endedAtTime predicates are replaced by Instrument Links. It is unclear whether any of the rdfs:isDefinedBy predicates should be Classification-Instantiation Links. Since I assume that they can only occur between classes. The W3C ontology for Wordnet, where the Wordsense URIs come from, there is a schema the contains the main classes synset, wordsense, and word. The wordsense URIs appear to be instances of this wordsense class. They do not appear to be classes themselves. s2) (EISPP_3) We can select the :wheel_of_car class instance and see the corresponding class :Wheel_of_car in the Car_partOf ontology on the right pane. s3) (EISPP_OPM3_fresnele) We can select the fresnel button to remove the license, anything with rdfs:isDefinedBy Property, and anything with a rdf:type Property. s4) (EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gsse) Selecting the GSS button gives us styling and selecting R&WBase gives us distributed version control for triples. R&WBase or RAWBASE by Miel Vander Sande et al., describes triple stores' structureas a connected, directed, acyclic graph. A graph describing the version of the triples is provided below the namespaces. I'm not sure if this graph will be created on the fly for this particular selection of triples, or if it will refer to the evolution of a particular linked data platform container, resource, collection, etcetera. s5) (EISPP_OPM_fresnel_gss_rawbase_2contbe) Here is the same graph as the previous slide but with two contributors. One the RAWBASE graph, I see that I have two branches merging at this point. In the Object Process Diagram I see the Wheel_of_car object with three deltas: Δ1', Δ1, and Δ2. The rest of the diagram is identical with the exception of being replicated for two contributors. s6) (EISPP_OPM_fresnel_gss_rawbasee) If I click the REA button in the Value Network /* panel I see another process for e.org/paid appear on the Object Process Diagram. I am not sure whether putting a rea:transfer predicate link between e.org/paid and e.org/contribute_1 is correct for OPM. I mean to indicate that the e.org/paid process has something to do with the e.org/contribute_1 process. In other words, the graph should say, http://example.org/outsiders/foaf.rdf#me is paying http://bshambaugh.org/foaf.rdf#me for a contribution to wheel_of_car. In a broader sense, what is happening might be more accurately described by Example with Bob Haugen's Value Streams. For Example, an outside agent may ask to buy a car, and I may be signed up to build a wheel of any car that is sold. Thus, the outside agent buying a car would cause me to contribute a wheel. In return for the car, the outside agent would provide some compensation, of which some would be payment for contributing a wheel, which is what the diagram shows. References Include: Value Streams, https://github.com/bhaugen/valuenetwork/wiki/Value-streams 2) Miel Vander Sande, R&WBase: Git For Triples, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-996/papers/ldow2013-paper-01.pdf 3) RDF/OWL Representation in WordNet, W3C Working Draft, 19 June 2006 www.w3.org/TR/wordnet-rdf/ 4) Dov Dori, The Visual Semantic Web: Unifying Human and Machine Semantic Web Representations with Object-Process Methodology, Technion, Israel, MIT, USA, http://www.cs.uic.edu/~ifc/SWDB/papers/Dori.pdf 5) Dov Dori, Object-Process Methododology and Its Application to the Visual Semantic Web, Pre-Conference Tutorial, PT1, ER-2003, Chicago, Oct. 12, 2003, http://www.er.byu.edu/er2003/slides/ER2003PT1Dori.pdf (Added Later) For Comparision to R&WBase see: Markus Graube et al., R43ples: Revisions for Triples, An Approach for Version Control in the Semantic Web, 1st Workshop on Linked Data Quality, Sept. 2, 2014, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1215/paper-03.pdf