s1) Clicking on the Preferences button on the upper right side brings up the Preferences window. At the top, I see a row of radio buttons for selecting the default view for results of a natural language query. I select Node-Link Diagram. Directly below this is a Layout selector where I have Frutcherman Reingold selected. Other layouts can be discovered by looking at excellent software tools such as CytoScape and Gephi. Below this, display options for Natural Language Queries continue starting with the list checkbox. I specify that I only want 1 degree for linked data, meaning that linked data triples should have one of the nodes as their subject from the direct result. In this case, the the e.org/contribute_1 node. Below this, is Fresnel lens (Lens-Core). I load data, where I choose to hide all triples with the relation rdf:type. I have multiple tabs for multiple superimposed lenses. Below this is Fresnel lens (Format-Core). I left this blank. I have multiple tabs for multiple superimposed lenses. Below this, is Graph Style Sheet, which could well go away and be merged with Format-Core for Fresnel lens. The turtle syntax for RDF refers to the subject node of the predicate rea:participation. It says give this node a fill with the #99ff99 color. This node has the bshambaugh.org/foaf.rdf#me label. I also have multiple tabs which allow for multiple additional superimposed style sheets. Below this, I have the High Performance Computing section. For Protocol/Middleware/Architecture/Framework for HPC I choose P2P-MPI developed by Stéphane Genaud et al. I choose OpenFoam, a CFD software for the target application, and Collection_1 for the node collection (which chould have been created with the Find Nodes menu accessed from the HP Computing panel). I have load, and load data buttons for the Protocol/Middleware/Architecture/Framework for HPC and Node Collections Columns respectively. Below this, all other menus are minimized, with the exception of Protege, an ontology editor, that has a target set to an installation of Web Protege at http://webprotege.stanford.edu. This preference refers to the Protege button at the top left corner of the main screen. References Include: Fresnel Selector Language for RDF (FSL), November 2005, http://www.w3.org/2005/04/fresnel-info/fsl/ Fresnel - Display Vocabulary for RDF, http://www.w3.org/2005/04/fresnel-info/ Fresnel - Display Vocabulary for RDF, User Manual, 30 June 2005, http://www.w3.org/2005/04/fresnel-info/manual/ Graph Stylesheets (GSS) in IsaViz, http://www.w3.org/2001/11/IsaViz/gss/gssmanual.html P2P-MPI, http://grid.u-strasbg.fr/p2pmpi/ OpenFoam with MPI?, See for example: http://www.openfoam.org/features/parallel-computing.php Web Protege, webprotege.stanford.edu CytoScape, http://www.cytoscape.org/ Gephi, https://gephi.github.io/