Linked-IN (R) message sent on 2/19/2011 6:11 PM:

(name omitted),

Thank you for the supercomputing idea. I feel it is a great one. It could help with my idea below.

My website would be a searchable web diagram of all human knowledge. It would be would built and edited collaboratively like Wikipedia.

A few details are:

* Items in bubbles could consist of things such as subject, person, project, idea, etc.

* The bubbles would be grouped together based on how closely the world at large thought they were related.

* Lines would be drawn in-between bubbles to show a connection.

* Data could be presented in a series of stacked web diagrams juxtaposed to show relations.

* 3D web diagrams could be used for small numbers of bubbles 

* It would use (HTML5, WebGL, MySQL, and Django? 

* Only a small part of the web diagram would be shown for a query 

* The web could allow the posting of files into a web diagram form (i.e. each file would be an icon in the web) 

* Links to websites and personal profiles could pop up in the web diagram from bubbles. 

*Patented ideas would be marked. 

*Lines connecting ideas would be color coded based on the level of certainty. 

A few arguments in support: 

The website would be very useful for research. Learning about developing ideas, and what may need to be done would be simplified. 

This website would be great for organizing projects. 

Project ideas could be used in Hollywood movies. Kids could collaborate with top searchers and have their ideas used in plots with their favorite actors and actresses. 

Research would be more visible to the general public, and could be collaboratively funded. 

Research done by clueless graduate students would not be lost, since others could easily pick up on it. This would make research a more efficient and collaborative effort. 

Planning a party would be a cinch. Just query the type of party you want, and a web diagram would show up to show what might be best. 

In the end, when we do research we find connections between ideas. We build a mental map. Why not have a map ready? 

The state of human knowledge could be mapped in a way that would be faster than any publisher and faster than any coursework planning committee. People could learn about new and developing things without having to have years of experience. 

The big picture would come more quickly. It would be faster than reading since we are more visual. 

Tracking the evolution of knowledge would be easy. 

It would be more informative than a standard web search. 

Additional comments: 

A massive cluster computer might be built to support the project portion. It would be like a botnet that people could use for peaceful purposes.