Status: Working Draft, v1.2, $$Revision: March 18, 2015 $$brent.shambaugh AT GMAIL dot COM | Previous Version | Home

Enterprise Information System for Peer Production (EISPP) Animations.

This is a product of the distributed.economy blog, the P2P Enterprise Platform writing, the MNDF Project, and to an extent the Raptorlicious Blog.

EP files are for use with the wireframing software Evolus Pencil. PDF files are exports of EP files from Pencil, and are accessible with Adobe(R) Reader(R). PNG files are raster images made from the PDF files. WebM files include narrated animations made using the PNG files. Transcripts are texts of the narrations.

A forum is available for commenting on Google Groups. The .WebM format videos below are also available at

"The inefficiency of automobiles' reciprocating engines - and their traffic-system-wasted fuel - and the energy inefficiency of today's buildings, are only two of hundreds of thousands of instances that can be cited of the design-avoidable energy wastage. But the technical raison d'etre for either the energy-effectiveness gains or losses is all completely invisible to human eyes. Thus, the significance of their omni-integratable potentialities is uncomprehended by either the world's leaders or the led. Neither the great political and financial power structures of the world, nor the specialization-blinded professionals, nor the population in general realize the sum-totally the omni-engineering-integratable, invisible revolution in metallurgical, chemical, and electronic arts now makes it possible to do so much more with ever fewer pounds and volumes of material, ergs of energy, and seconds of time per given technological function that it is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a "higher standard of living than any have ever known.", pg. xxv, Critical Path, R. Buckminster Fuller

Line Title / Frame EP PDF PNG WebM Transcript
1 ch_1_1_intro (Introduction) X X
Introduction to a mockup in the form of a narrated animation that is a decentralized and distributed enterprise information system for peer production. This mockup provides the backbone that software modules can be built on to allow for creation of virtual teams that rely on minimal rekeying of the data and machine understanding. Linked data, semantic web technologies, and stigmergic collaboration are considered. This narrated animation provides an experience of what it would be like to use the software product.
1 eispp_introa_edit X
2 eispp_introab_edit X
3 eispp_introabc_edit X
4 eispp_introabcg_edit X
5 eispp_introabcgv_edit X
6 eispp_intro_edit X
1 ch1_1_overview (Overview)
Overview of EISPP which gives a high level mention of the major parts.
1 eispp_introabcgv_edit_intro1 X
7 ch1_1_nlq (Natural Language Query) X X
Start by finding data in the distributed and decentralized enterprise ecosystem (EISPP) by performing a natural language query that allows you to find the data in terms of triples and related documents. Show how this is done, and show the results.
8 EISPP_3p X X X
9 EISPP_3p2e X X X
10 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2 X X X
11 ch1_2_OB (Ontology Browsing) X X
Once a natural language query is run to retrieve triples in ch1_1_nlq (a previous video), an ontology browser is used to compose a query using one of the ontologies describing the triples. This query will find additional data described with this ontology.
12 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB X X X
13 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_b4subs X X X
14 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs2 X X X
15 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs3 X X X
16 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs4 X X X
17 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs5 X X X
18 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs6 X X X
19 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs6_and_one_half X X X
20 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs7 X X X
21 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs8_back6 X X X
22 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_delete X X X
23 ch_1_2_sparql (SPARQL Query) X X
In EISPP, Introduce the SPARQL interface by performing a SPARQL query using data triples from the natural language query (see the ch1_1_nlq video) as a starting point.
24 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4 X X X
25 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_2 X X X
25 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_3 X X X
26 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_4 X X X
27 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_5 X X X
28 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_6 X X X
29 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_7 X X X
30 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_8 X X X
31 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_9 X X X
32 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLb4_10 X X X
33 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLex2r4 X X X
34 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_OB_subs9_SPARQLex2r4b X X X
35 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2 X X X
36 ch1_nlq_fgss (Fresnel GSS) X X
In EISPP, show the application of Fresnel lenses and Graph Stylesheets for pruning out unwanted triples from the natural language query results (ch1_1_nlq) and for applying style to the resulting graph by giving color to the nodes.
37 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2 X X X
38 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel X X X
39 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS X X X
40 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2_nolist_fresnel_GSS X X X
41 ch_1_2_edit_triples (Edit Triples) X X
In EISPP, demonstrate the editing of triples using James Hollenbach et al's wiget library as a suggested means for implementation and considering William McCarthy's REA accounting model and the Prov Ontology in the example.
42 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode2eadd X X X
43 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode3eadd X X X
44 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode4eadd X X X
45 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode5eadd X X X
46 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode6eaddb4 X X X
47 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode6eadd X X X
48 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode7eadd X X X
49 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode8eadd X X X
50 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_edit_anode8eadde X X X
51 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2 X X X
52 ch_1_2_OPM (OPM) X X
In EISPP, demonstrate the use of Dov Dori's Object Process Methodology as a visualization method alternative to a directed graph produced by a natural language query (ch1_1_nlq). Full implementation hopes to allow for more more simplified and compacted views that change based on the level of zoom.
53 EISPP_OPM3eb4 X X X
55 EISPP_OPM3_fresnele X X X
56 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gsse X X X
57 EISPP_OPM_fresnel_gss_rawbasee X X X
58 EISPP_OPM_fresnel_gss_rawbase_2contbe X X X
59 EISPP_OPM_fresnel_gss_rawbase_reafulle X X X
60 ch_1_2_Ripple (Ripple Transaction) X X
Demonstrate the viewing of a result of a Ripple transaction by using William McCarthy's REA model, the provenance ontology, and the PaySwarm Web Commerce Specification.
61 list_ripplee X X X
62 ch_1_2_NLP (NLP Edit) X X
This demonstrates a way in EISPP to take a graph, such as a concept map and perform natural language query, perhaps using the same technology in ch1_1_nlq, to suggest ontologies to use to formalize the concept map as machine readable linked data.
63 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLPb4 X X X
64 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP X X X
65 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP2 X X X
66 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP3 X X X
67 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP4 X X X
68 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP5 X X X
69 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP6 X X X
70 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP7 X X X
71 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8 X X X
72 ch_1_2_2nd_file (How to add a second file) X X
This demonstrates how to load a second file (or graph) in EISPP for purposes of federating with the first loaded file.
73 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile X X X
74 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile2 X X X
75 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile3 X X X
76 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile4 X X X
77 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile5 X X X
78 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile6 X X X
79 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile7 X X X
80 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile8 X X X
81 EISPP_3p2_edit_NLP8_2load2ndfile9 X X X
82 ch_1_2_Applications (Applications) X X
This video demonstrates how to load various applications made to interoperate with EISPP. It refers to various places to look to learn how to achieve interoperability. In addition, it introduces a linked data platform application for microblogging called cimba that could be studied in conjunction with other unmentioned applications available at .
83 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications X X X
84 car_part_freecad X
85 car_part_freecadb4 X
86 ref_library X
87 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba X X X
88 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba1_5 X X X
89 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba2 X X X
90 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba3 X X X
91 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba3_5 X X X
92 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba4 X X X
93 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_cimba5 X X X
94 cimba X
95 rwwio X
96 rwwiop1 X
97 rwwioup X
98 EISPP_3_M_Fernandez_NLQ_2fresnel_GSS_Applications_ether X X X
99 etherpad X
100 etherpadb4 X
101 ch_1_2_Botqueue_IOT (Botqueue IOT) X X
This demonstrates a possible interface to Botqueue, a technology created by Zach Hoeken and others to allow distributed printing to 3d printing bots. It also introduces a paper that uses SPARQL streams to feed in sensor data. These combined might allow a team to send a design file to some machine somewhere while at the same time monitor the process variables.
102 EISPP_3p2_Botqueue X X X
103 EISPP_3p2_Botqueue2 X X X
104 EISPP_3p2_Botqueue3 X X X
105 EISPP_3p2_IOT X X X
106 ch_1_2_VRM (VRM) X X
This is a demonstration of bringing up the VRM window in EISPP to reveal bookmarking (saving) a graph, federating this graph with other graphs to reveal similarities (such as applicable skills for a project), loading a badge (a graph) describing a particular accomplishment, loading groups the logged in agent is involved with, set access control settings for data in the agents' control, perform financial transactions, and set powder preferences for describing groups.
107 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm X X X
108 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2bookmark X X X
109 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm3bookmark X X X
110 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm4bookmark X X X
111 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm5bookmark X X X
112 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2federate X X X
113 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2federate2 X X X
114 EISPP_directional_graph_2fresnel_gss_vrm2federate2_2 X